A message from Mr. Plona, McGee Athletic Liaison:
The middle school interscholastic athletic program at McGee Middle School is designed for students in grades six, seven and eight who are capable and desire a high level of competition. The purpose of the program is to actively experience competitive sport, individual values, team values and their interrelationship. Through participation, the student-athletes should develop a greater appreciation for sport, rules of the game, sportsmanship, personal responsibility, leadership and teamwork.
Our belief is that the middle school years are a time for the development of young people, both in mind and body, and that athletic participation should foster that growth. Our coaches are carefully chosen to work with this age group and understand the varied developmental and maturity levels of the participants. The emphasis is on teaching effective habits, love of the game and instilling a lifelong commitment to health and physical fitness. An additional goal of our program is to prepare our student-athletes for the rigors of high school competition in a safe and supportive environment.